Monday 25 May 2015

Beetroot cake with white chocolate mascapone butter and salted caramel

Beetroot, the superfood that has so many uses. It can be pickled, boiled, roasted or even fried. It can be used in pastas, side dishes, main dishes, risottos and even cakes....yes that is right cakes.

Some people will see this and go 'wait, but wouldn't it taste bad?". Well not really, the earthy sweet taste really brings something delicious to cake. When combining it with the white chocolate mascapone butter and salted caramel you get this amazing combination of earthy rich moist cake, subtle white chocolate enriched mascapone and swirled with the salty sweetness of the caramel. It will just melt in your mouth and taste divine. You will want to eat more no matter how much your healthy side protests.

This will make enough for 6 people:-

for the cake:
2 medium beetroots (grate one and boil one until it is soft, then blend into a paste)
150g butter
3 eggs
160g sugar
125g flour
40g cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp ginger

for the cake topping
3 tbsp water
45g butter
150g icing sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
about a handful of crushed nuts

Preheat the oven to 175C. Whisk together the sugar and eggs until it doubles in size and becomes light in colour. Sieve the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into a bowl, add the salt and ginger too. Make a well in the dry ingredients, melt the butter and then add the egg mixture. Fold the mixture until smooth, now add the beetroot paste and grated stuff, mix until all combined. Grease up a medium baking tray and then pour in your mixture. Bake for about 35 minutes. Once ready, take out and place on a cooling tray until fully cool

While the cake is baking we can make the topping. In a mixing bowl add the icing sugar and cocoa powder, melt the butter and add that too. Start whisking (if you have an electric one then use that), add water as need until it is all nice a smooth. Set aside whilst the cake is cooking. When the cake is completely cool, use a knife and spread the mixture on top. Once all on top sprinkle the nuts on top. Cut into slices and serve.

For the salt caramel:
100g sugar
75g butter
125ml double cream
1 tsp salt

Melt the sugar and butter together over a medium heat until it starts simmering, don't forget to stir so it doesn't burn. Simmer for a couple of minutes and then add the cream and salt. Mix together and give a taste (careful not to burn your tongue), if it tastes right then take of the heat and let cool down.

For the white chocolate mascapone butter
70g white chocolate
100g butter, softened at room temperature
1 tsp vegetable oil
100g mascapone cheese

Put the white chocolate and oil together and melt. Leave to cool for a couple of minutes. Add the mascapone and butter and the beat together until all fully combined.

All these together make a really great dish but you can also use each component separately in other things too. The salted caramel works with many kinds of cakes and desserts and the white chocolate mascapone butter is a great cake filler. Experiment, see what works but don't forget the original combo. I assure you that you will fall in love with it.

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