Wednesday 1 April 2015

Fresh Pasta

Fresh pasta is so easy to make. It doesn't take a whole list of skills or equipment. It is a great learner, I learn every time I make it.

Once you have started making pasta, you will be reluctant to use shop bought dried pasta (not that there isn't anything wrong with it).

To make one serving of pasta (for yourself) you will need (just add more for each person you want to make for) :-

100g Durum Flour (or Soft flour)
1 egg
pinch of salt
1/4 tsp extra virgin olive oil
maybe some water

Put your flour on a clean side or in a bowl and make a well in the centre of it. Place your egg, salt and olive oil into the well. Beat the eggs with a fork until smooth and then start incorporating the flour into it. Using a little at a time until all is mixed. Now use your hands and start kneading, with some time it will form a nice smooth dough. This is also the secret to why Italian mamas have huge arms and can intimidate the Mafia. If the dough is a little dry, add a small amount of water.

Kneading is simple, just beat it, roll it and pull it until it starts feeling smooth.

Cover your smooth dough with cling film and put into the fridge for at least half an hour. Make sure you wrap it up well.

To roll it out you can use a pasta machine, which is really simple. Press your dough out and set the machine to the biggest setting (normally 0). Roll it through a few times, folding in half each time. It will become really silky smooth. Now time to start rolling thinner. Roll it through, increasing the number until the desired thinness. If making lasagne or ravioli then cut into size, if making into tagliatelle or other strand pasta roll through the desired shaper.

If you have no roller, don't despair, many Italian grandmas use just a rolling pin. First make a smaller ball, about 50g and then flatten with your hand. Sprinkle some flour onto a surface and onto the pasta and start rolling. With effort and patience you will get a nice thin piece of pasta. To turn into strand pasta, roll up and slice with a knife.

If you want to dry it, then place on a pasta rack or lay out flat on the side and leave for an hour or two before packing in a box. If wanting to make straight away then have a pan of salted boiling water and place into it for a couple of minutes until al dente.

It is that simple.

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