Wednesday 29 January 2014

Tasty Beetroot Pesto Tagliatelle

During a Family Home Evening (A night that we LDS folk set aside to spend with our family and do things together like study, play games, discuss topics etc) I mentioned to my wife that we should try and have at least one vegetarian meal each week, it would be healthier for us as a whole and more in line with D&C 89. She did agree, if only to allow me to experiment more. That was how this dish came into being, it's so simple, super healthy and delicious.

Sorry about the poor quality. The camera I used is not mine.
Why a Beetroot pesto? I don't like Beetroot? Some of you will be saying. I use to not like beetroot either but have slowly changed my opinion over the last few years. Beetroot is a superfood, it is packed full of nutrients and antioxidants. Studies have shown it can increase the white blood cells (The defenders of the body against foreign invasion), help in reduction of blood pressure, have a high content of folic acid, Vitamins A and C. It can be eaten raw or cooked, both ways taste good.

A typical 100g serving of Raw beetroot looks like this:-

  • Calories: 43
  • Protein: 2g
  • Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrate: 10g
  • Fibre: 3g
For this healthy, tasty dish you will need:- Serves 2 with some pesto left over.

400g Raw Beetroot (You can used pickled if you desire)
30g of Cashew Nuts
10g Almonds
1 clove of Garlic
2 tbsp Parmesan Cheese
1 tsp fresh parsley
1 tsp oregano
50ml Olive Oil
pinch of salt and pepper to taste
4 nests of Tagliatelle
sprinkling of Parmesan for the top

First peel and rough chop your beetroot (use gloves because the red will get everywhere) and put in a food processor. Then add the nuts, garlic, cheese, herbs, olive oil and seasoning. Blend until it all comes together, 30 seconds or so. Taste and correct seasoning. 

Boil a pan of salted water and add the Tagliatelle. Once it is al dente transfer to a frying pan, then add some spoonfuls of your beetroot, about 2-3 per person. Stir until all combined and put into bowls, top with Parmesan and serve straight away. 

Goes great with some garlic bread or ciabatta. I can promise you that this will become a household favourite and will help you get some super healthy food into you. 

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